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Toggling HMG Debug On/Off

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 4:49 pm
by Red2
Hi All,

HMG's Debug has been very useful to me. To toggle Debug for my project I must first:
1) select "Project" from the main menu and then
2) select "Reset Project Incremental Data"

Then later I must do the same to remove Debug from the build.

My Question:
Rather than completely rebuild my project is there a specific file where "Debug" is flagged ON/OFF that I could simply edit or delete to "toggle" HMG's Debug?

Thank you for your kind suggestions.
Hola todos,

La Debug de HMG me ha resultado muy útil. Para alternar la depuración para mi proyecto, primero debo:
1) seleccione "Project" en el menú principal y luego
2) seleccione "Reset Project Incremental Data"

Luego, más tarde, debo hacer lo mismo para eliminar Debug de la compilación.

Mi pregunta:
En lugar de reconstruir completamente mi proyecto, ¿hay un archivo específico donde "Debug" está marcado como ACTIVADO / DESACTIVADO que podría simplemente editar o eliminar para "alternar" la Debug de HMG?

Gracias por sus amables sugerencias.

Re: Toggling HMG Debug On/Off

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 6:21 pm
by mol
I'm using debugger too. With huge project, recompiling everything takes a lot if time.
I'm recompiling with debugger only that module, which I want to test.
After testing, I'm recompiling it without debugger

Re: Toggling HMG Debug On/Off

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 7:37 pm
by Red2
Hi Mol,

Thank you. That is what I have been doing and what I will continue to do. I was simply hoping for a shortcut.

Thanks again!