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Create event on Browse.Refresh

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 1:21 pm
by mol
Is it the way to create event on Browse.REFRESH?
I want to test where my application loose time and unnecessary refresh data (it looks like blinking).
I've read whole code and can't find solution.
regards, Marek

Re: Create event on Browse.Refresh

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 1:47 pm
by mol
I've found simple solution.
I've modified source file h_browse.prg, function _BrowseRefresh and I've added lines:

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  if valtype("Browse_Refresh_Event") == "C"
In my app I've declared variable Browse_Refresh_Event as char with assigned tracking function:

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private Browse_Refresh_Event := "BROWSE_WhereAmI()"
and BROWSE_WhereAmI() function:

Code: Select all

function BROWSE_WhereAmI
   local cTrack := ""
   local i := 2
	while ( !Empty(ProcName(i)) )
		cTrack+= ProcName(i) + "(" + NTRIM(ProcLine(i)) + ")"+EOL

Maybe it will be useful for sb.

Regards, Marek

Re: Create event on Browse.Refresh

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 5:21 pm
by Javier Tovar
Hola Mol,

Si podrías subir el archivo completo de h_browse.prg, y un ejemplo para su aplicación?
