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Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 9:11 pm
by Ricci
Witness the power of this fully operational HMG4 program: :D

- resize the window
- move your mouse cursor over the small orchid icon (left of the picture)
- drag and drop one or more pictures from your prederred file manager on the big picture

Re: HMG4-Power

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:04 am
by raumi75
Impressive. And it feels very "native" on Windows. I was afraid that a Qt-Program might feel awkward.

Good Job.

Re: HMG4-Power

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 11:17 pm
by Roberto Lopez
Ricci wrote:Witness the power of this fully operational HMG4 program: :D

- resize the window
- move your mouse cursor over the small orchid icon (left of the picture)
- drag and drop one or more pictures from your prederred file manager on the big picture
Look fantastic on Windows 7.

Re: HMG4-Power

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:21 am
by Ricci
I added some new things to my program:

- Click on File->Update name database, the program make a connection to an internet side and load this side (a csv file), then converts this data into a local database

- Go through the species tree and have a look on the field "Name" below: if it is a valid name of a botanical form, the name is displayed in italic, errors will be in red, Hybrids are in standard. Here I used the ability of the label object to display HTML code.

- If you are on a valid or wrong botanical name click on the green item in the toolbar: a page in your browser should open with the result of a search query.

Re: HMG4-Power

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 11:19 am
by l3whmg
Hi to everyone.

I started to rewrite my "Aquarium manager" with HMG4. I want show you this prototype and some source codes. I used OOP syntax because it's more comfortable to managing multiple windows.

You only unzip the file and run acqp000.exe (I hope it works fine...)

Little brief about usage.
  • After menu selection, you always see a selection form.
  • If you want to edit a record, you must select a row and press "click to EDIT" on the toolbar.
  • If you want to add a new record press "click to ADD" on the toolbar.
  • If you want select a row (while you are searching a code) press "click to SELECT" on the toolbar.
Little brief about "Classification".
This is a standard (or more used) method ( normally "Species, Genders and Families" are sufficient to classifying fishes for people like me ;) ) and it is like a piramid:

Code: Select all

1              - Classes
1.1            - SubClasses
1.1.1          - Order        - SubOrder      - Families    - Genders  - Species
When you are editing one "Species", you can find a search button. When you press this button, you will see the "Genders" selection form; here, you can select the right code or edit or add. If you edit a row, you can find a search button. When you press this button, you will see the "Families" selection form. And so on; at the end you will be within "Classes" editing.
In other words, from the bottom ("Species") you are able to reach the top ("Classes")

Little brief about "Languages".
It's not yet totally implemented, but you can play with some items. Copy english.lng in other file int the same folder and edit file. Then run the program, select the new language (Tools->Language, the program must be restarted) and you can see some items in your language. How to editing example:

Code: Select all

You can change "e&Exit" with "u&Scire" (italian translation)

I hope this little example show you the HMG4 powerful. Another example like Orchid by Ricci.
