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Re: HFCL (Hmg Forum Component Library)

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 11:51 am
by sudip
rathinagiri wrote:Hi Swapan,

Had you copied to include directory?
Hi Rathi,

I copied from C:\HMG\HFCL folder to C:\HMG\Include folder. But when tried to copile GridPrint sample, got following errors:-

Code: Select all

C:\hmg\hfcl\Samples\GridPrint\MAIN.o:MAIN.c:(.data+0x1e8): undefined reference to `HB_FUN(int13_t &, int0_t &)'
mingw32-make.exe: *** [C:\hmg\hfcl\Samples\GridPrint\MAIN.exe] Error 1
Finished With Errors. 
Hope I am not disturbing you too much ;)



Re: HFCL (Hmg Forum Component Library)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 11:01 am
by mol
During testing of Grid2Print, I found some bugs:
1. If you define Footer and Pagination is set on bottom of page - page numbers are out of bottom margin
2. In Report properties - "Header1" is taken from language table but Header2 stay in English

3. Merge Header - "Multi Header1" nad "Multi Header2" aren't taken from language table.

4. It will be good to predefine page properties depending of language/country setting - in Poland we always use "A4 size of paper" - I think it's not posible to buy Letter size paper. I think it's in whole Europe excluding England, but I'm not sure....

5. Some words in Polish are longer than in English - some labels are cutted off - they don't look good

6. It would be great possibility to save all settings to database or .mem file for next calls of print functionality - with possibility to restore default setting (one more button "Default Settings")

Besides, this is great work, Rathinagiri...
Below I put Polish translation:

Code: Select all

   // POLISH
        msgarr := {"Brak danych do druku!",;    //1
                   "Brak zainstalowanych drukarek w systemie!",;  //2
                   "Kreator wydruku",;  //3
                   "Kreator zapisu",; //4
                   "Kolumny",; //5
                   "Nazwa kolumny",; //6
                   "Szerokość (mm)",; //7
                   "Kliknij dwa razy na kolumnie, aby ją zaznaczyć/odznaczyć do wydruku",; //8
                   "Zmień rozmiar kolumny tekstowej",; //9
                   "Całkowitta szerokość:",; //10
                   "z",;  //11
                   "Nagłówek 1",;  //12
                   "Nagłówek 2",; //13
                   "Nagłówek 3",; //14
                   "Stopka 1",; //15
                   "Własności raportu",; //16
                   "Rozmiar czcionki",; //17
                   "Długie teksty",; //18
                   "Zawijanie słów",; //19
                   "Obcięcie",; //20
                   "Numeracja stron",; //21
                   "Wyłączona",; //22
                   "Góra",; //23
                   "Dół",; //24
                   "Linie siatki",; //25
                   "Kolumna",; //26
                   "Wiersz",; //27
                   "Centruj stronę",; //28
                   "Pionowy",; //29
                   "Strona/Drukarka",; //30 
                   "Orientacja",; //31
                   "Pozioma",; //32
                   "Pionowa",; //33
                   "Drukarka: ",; //34
                   "Rozmiar strony",; //35
                   "Szerokość strony",; //36
                   "Wysokość strony",; //37
                   "Marginesy (mm)",; //38
                   "Górny",; //39
                   "Prawy",; //40
                   "Lewy",; //41
                   "Dolny",; //42
                   "Drukuj",; //43
                   "Anuluj",; //44
                   "Witaj w Kreatorze Wydruku",; //45
                   "Wybrałeś więcej kolumn, niż można zmieścić na stronie!",; //46
                   "Musisz wybrać drukarkę!",; //47
                   "Nie można wybrać drukarki! Sprawdź jej dostępność.",; //48
                   "Numer strony:",; //49
                   "Rozmiar:",; //50
                   "Wykonano",; //51
                   "Nie można zmieniać rozmiau nietekstowych kolumn!",; //52
                   "Justyfikacja określona nieprawidłowo.",; //53
                   "Puste przestrzenie",; //54
                   "Rozszerz",; //55
                   "Zastosuj",; //56
                   "Dołącz nagłówek",; //61
                   "Od",; //62
                   "Do",; //63
                   "Nagłówek",; //64
                   "Pojawił się błąd w definicji dołączanego nagłówka w linii  nr ",; //65

Re: HFCL (Hmg Forum Component Library)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 6:48 pm
by Rathinagiri
Thanks for your exclusive report and excellent guidance Mol.

I would do one by one. :)

Re: HFCL (Hmg Forum Component Library)

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 8:28 am
by Rathinagiri
mol wrote:During testing of Grid2Print, I found some bugs:
1. If you define Footer and Pagination is set on bottom of page - page numbers are out of bottom margin
I had rectified this.
mol wrote:2. In Report properties - "Header1" is taken from language table but Header2 stay in English
I don't understand this. Do you mean header2label? It is rightly taken from the msgarr[13]. Isn't it? Or, am I missed something?
mol wrote:3. Merge Header - "Multi Header1" nad "Multi Header2" aren't taken from language table.

This also, I can't get to the point. :(
mol wrote:4. It will be good to predefine page properties depending of language/country setting - in Poland we always use "A4 size of paper" - I think it's not posible to buy Letter size paper. I think it's in whole Europe excluding England, but I'm not sure....
Yes. It is a great idea. This can be done when selecting the language itself. :) I will do for Poland in the coming version.
mol wrote:5. Some words in Polish are longer than in English - some labels are cutted off - they don't look good
Hmm. Can you please specify the label names whose length of values exceed their control length and the optimum length for the same? I would rectify it.
mol wrote:6. It would be great possibility to save all settings to database or .mem file for next calls of print functionality - with possibility to restore default setting (one more button "Default Settings")
As of now, all the settings for a particular report is saved in a memory file namely 'reports.cfg' whenever a report print button is pressed automatically. I welcome your suggestion on this.
mol wrote:Besides, this is great work, Rathinagiri...
Below I put Polish translation:
Thanks a lot for your appreciation and valuable contribution.

Re: HFCL (Hmg Forum Component Library)

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 8:33 am
by Rathinagiri
Here is a new bug fixed version of HFCL 0.92.

Change Log:


1. Fixed some bugs reported by mol. (Thanks a lot Mol)

2. Fixed dynamic headers for reports not printed.

Re: HFCL (Hmg Forum Component Library)

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 12:05 pm
by esgici
Thanks a lot Rathi :)


Re: HFCL (Hmg Forum Component Library)

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 11:10 pm
by fchirico
rathinagiri wrote:Here is a new bug fixed version of HFCL 0.92.
Thank you!

Saludos, Fernando Chirico.

Re: HFCL (Hmg Forum Component Library)

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 11:32 am
by mol
I'll test it on monday.
I'll try to put some screenshots with my suggestions.


Re: HFCL (Hmg Forum Component Library)

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 4:27 pm
by sudip
Hello Rathi,
rathinagiri wrote: Had you copied to include directory?
Yes I copied, but got following error:-
Hfcl.jpg (54.02 KiB) Viewed 17815 times

With best regards.


Re: HFCL (Hmg Forum Component Library)

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:35 pm
by esgici
Hi Sudip

Does your main.prg include #include "" statement ?


