I have a big problem

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Re: I have a big problem

Post by martingz »


You are absolutely right, but in the company, many do not know how to use Windows well, we waste a lot of time giving support for unimportant things because of this, imagine if we changed to Linux
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Re: I have a big problem

Post by Pcmodula »

Lamento contradecirte, Linux es fácil y robusto, sólo la pereza hace prevalecer el uso de Windows. :evil:
Por supuesto, con Windows ganar dinero es más fácil porque tiene muchos problemas, más problemas, más intervenciones, más dinero.
(si me gano la vida con Windows).
Tengo clientes que empezaron con Windows pero que con el tiempo me escucharon.
Ahora usan Linux y Mac sin remordimientos, de hecho se han vuelto más extremistas que yo que hace muchos años fui uno de los fundadores del grupo local de Linux, luego mi esposa pasó de Windows a Mac despues y a Linux y aparte del cariño mostrado por Safari ahora hace todo de forma independiente para mi satisfacción, ya que no tienes ni idea de la tecnología.
Mira el vídeo que encuentras en este sitio:
Prueba lo que te proponen y tal vez incluso puedas engañar a un adicto a Windows.
Lo probé y me asombró porque no es Windows sino Linux.... :lol:

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Re: I have a big problem

Post by AUGE_OHR »


under Linux, using Samba, you will have same "File-based" SMB Problem like under Windows.

have you "test" SMB Settings :?:

Idea :
try to copy DBF from Workstation to Server first and than APPEND DBF "on Server"
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Re: I have a big problem

Post by Pcmodula »

Hi Jimmy, I partially agree with your answer.
it seems obvious to me that if you have imaginative management of the network AND USE THE SAME TOOLS, you like to hurt yourself. :evil:
In fact Martin is changing the type of database (and it's a good thing!) :lol:
But I can also assure you that I have solved cases by putting a Linux server on Windows clients using (unfortunately) SMB. :o
When Microsoft was still sucking milk, Linux already gave you MySql and Postgress.
My previous post refers only to the false difficulty of use.
Management software aside, you will find mail, navigation and LibreOffice with the same interface, and Wubuntu is a splendid sample.
It's clear that if the user is limited regardless you will always have to chase him with a spoon and bib. :cry:

My 2 cents.
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Re: I have a big problem

Post by martingz »

Pcmodula, cunado salio ubuntu, el primer proyecto fue usar todo opensource, usabamos fivewin, foxpro y que mejor no depender de Microsoft, pero tuvimos un fuerte rechazo a esto por parte de los usuarios al Ubuntu, es mas apenas en inicio de este año dejaron de usar FoxPro y a regañadientes usaron los programas hechos con HMG, hay personas que no quieren cambiarse el chip, se compraron equipos nuevos que son de 64 bits y logicamente Fox no se ejecuto, solo de esta manera se logro que usaran los generados por HMG, la mayoria son sindicalizados algunos no saben ni usar bien los equipos, pero no se quieren quedar a cursos de actualizacion . Es mas cambiamos un sistema de toma de lecturas que estaba en unos equipos que eran muy grandes , lo hicimos para un celular con Android y vieras la resistencia a el cambio.
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Re: I have a big problem

Post by martingz »

Auge in server and workstations SMB1 is disabled,

This weekend I only worked on an external box more than 10 km from the matrix, connected by microwave, and surprise there was no failure, we are about to go after working hours to check the equipment, to see what happened, this equipment was one of those who failed the most
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Re: I have a big problem

Post by AUGE_OHR »


how is your Connection from Workstation to Server ? Wifi ?
how did you "check" that SMB-1 is real "disable" (include Listen to UDP Ports ) ?

have you try to copy DBF from Workstation "to Server" and APPEND DBF "on Server" ?
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Re: I have a big problem

Post by martingz »


All the equipment is with RJ45 level 5 and 6 wiring, to determine if SMB was enabled or not, both on the server and on the workstations, we used the program that you so kindly provided.
And we copied the dbf from a backup on my local computer by zapping it and copying it to the server and the problem continues, I already thought about physical damage to the hard drive, I did the above and also deleted the file from the server, then we copied it to the server and the error continues We only have to check the equipment that did not fail this weekend, to see how the updates are.

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Re: I have a big problem

Post by franco »

After one of windows updates I could not send dbf files over the internet I had to rename them at both ends.
rename sample.dbf to sample.dff send sample.dff
after receiving rename sample .dff to sample.dbf
I am still doing this when sending over internet. I think Microsoft was worried about viruses in dbf files. Also exe and txt files.
Not sure if it is still like that.
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Re: I have a big problem

Post by martingz »

We decided as a last resort, to reinstall all the pending updates, we have been working since yesterday, November 23rd, without any problem, everything runs as it did almost a month ago, doing everything correctly without any problem, 0 omitted records, maybe it is very early to declare victory but almost 2 days of work without problems is a respite.

Thank you all for your comments, as I said, this is the best group, always supporting.
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