Incremental Search with Combo Box

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Re: Incremental Search with Combo Box

Post by Rathinagiri »

Hi friends,

Thanks for your nice words.

As you can see here at point 1(c), this is my long time wish since 2003, ie, since my adoption of HMG.

I am so happy that, it can be done and was nicely tried by Esgici.

Thanks again.
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Re: Incremental Search with Combo Box

Post by sudip »


It's our "dreams" who always make ourselves step forward! :)

Contrats "Guru"!!! (you deserve the term from me)

As of now, my best choice of Grid for ComboBox handling is (you guessed it) HMG Grid - Simple, Roboust.


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Re: Incremental Search with Combo Box

Post by Rathinagiri »


Here comes the new version of combosearchbox. Kindly go through and give your suggestions.

Code: Select all


  CSBox ( Combined Search Box ) try


#include ""

#command @ <row>, <col> COMBOSEARCHBOX <name>               	;
			[ <dummy1: OF, PARENT> <parent> ] ;
                        [ HEIGHT <height> ]          	;
                        [ WIDTH <width> ]            	;
                        [ VALUE <value> ]            	;
                        [ FONT <fontname> ]          	;
                        [ SIZE <fontsize> ]          	;
            			   [ <bold : BOLD> ] ;
			               [ <italic : ITALIC> ] ;
			               [ <underline : UNDERLINE> ] ;
                        [ TOOLTIP <tooltip> ]        	;
               			[ BACKCOLOR <backcolor> ] ;
			               [ FONTCOLOR <fontcolor> ] ;
                        [ MAXLENGTH <maxlenght> ]    	;
                        [ <upper: UPPERCASE> ]       	;
                        [ <lower: LOWERCASE> ]       	;
                        [ <numeric: NUMERIC> ]       	;
                        [ ON GOTFOCUS <gotfocus> ]   	;
                        [ ON LOSTFOCUS <lostfocus> ] 	;
                        [ ON ENTER <enter> ]		;
                        [ <RightAlign: RIGHTALIGN> ]	;
               			[ <notabstop: NOTABSTOP> ]	;
                        [ HELPID <helpid> ] 		;
                        [ ITEMS <aitems>  ]     ;
         _DefineComboSearchBox( <"name">, <"parent">, <col>, <row>, <width>, <height>, <value>, ;
				<fontname>, <fontsize>, <tooltip>, <maxlenght>, ;
                        <.upper.>, <.lower.>, <.numeric.>, ;
				<{lostfocus}>, <{gotfocus}>, <{enter}>, ;
				<.RightAlign.>, <helpid>, <.bold.>, <.italic.>, <.underline.>, <backcolor> , <fontcolor> , <.notabstop.>, <aitems> )
	_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 416 \]	:= <"name">	;; //name
	_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 417 \]	:= Nil		;; //parent
	_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 431 \]	:= Nil		;; //row
	_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 432 \]	:= Nil		;; //col
	_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 421 \]	:= Nil		;; // height
	_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 420 \]	:= Nil		;; // width
	_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 434 \]	:= Nil		;; //value
   _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 422 \]  := Nil      ;; //font
	_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 423 \]	:= Nil		;; // size
	_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 412 \]	:= .f.		;; //bold
	_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 413 \]	:= .f.		;; // italic
	_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 415 \]	:= .f.		;; // underline
	_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 424 \]	:= Nil		;; //tooltip
	_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 457 \]	:= Nil		;; // backcolor
	_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 458 \]	:= Nil		;; // fontcolor 
	_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 442 \] := Nil	;; // maxlength
	_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 475 \] := .f.		;; //upper
	_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 476 \]	:= .f.		;;  //lower
	_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 477 \]	:= .f.		;;  // numeric 
	_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 426 \] := Nil		;; // gotfocus
   _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 427 \]   := Nil         ;; //lostfocus
   _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 437 \]   := Nil         ;; //enter
   _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 440 \]    := .f.          ;; //rightalign
	_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 428 \]	:= .t.		;; //tabstop
	_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 429 \]	:= Nil		;; // helpid
	_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 436 \]		:= Nil		 // items

			_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 416 \],; //name
			_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 417 \],; //parent
			_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 432 \],; //col
			_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 431 \],; //row
			_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 420 \],; //width
			_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 421 \],; //height
			_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 434 \],; //value
			_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 422 \],; //fontname
			_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 423 \],; //fontsize
			_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 424 \],; //tooltip
			_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 442 \],; //maxlength
			_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 475 \],; //upper
			_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 476 \],; //lower
			_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 477 \],; //numeric
			_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 427 \],; //lostfocus
			_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 426 \],; //gotfocus
			_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 437 \],; //enter
			_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 440 \],; //rightalign
			_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 429 \],; //helpid
			_HMG_SYSDATA \[ 412 \],; //bold
         _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 413 \] , ; //italic
         _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 415 \],; //underline
         _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 457 \] , ; //backcolor
         _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 458 \] , ;// fontcolor
         _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 428 \] ,; //tabstop
         _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 436 \]) //items

PROC Main()

   aCountries := HB_ATOKENS( MEMOREAD( "Countries.lst" ),   CRLF )
   ASORT( aCountries )                    // This Array MUST be sorted
      AT 0,0 ;
      WIDTH 550 ;
      HEIGHT 300 ;
      TITLE 'CSBox ( Combined Search Box ) Test' ;
      ON KEY ESCAPE ACTION frmCSBTest.Release
      define label countries
         row 25
         col 100
         width 100
         value "Countries"
      end label
      define combosearchbox s1
         parent frmCSBTest
         row 25
         col 200
         width 200
         items acountries
      end combosearchbox 
      @ 55, 190 TEXTBOX txbMessy width 400
      @ 85, 190 TEXTBOX txbMessy1 
   END WINDOW // frmCSBTest

RETU // Main()

function _DefineComboSearchBox( cname,cparent, ncol, nrow, nwidth, nheight, cvalue, ;
				cfontname, nfontsize, ctooltip, nmaxlenght, ;
                        lupper, llower, lnumeric, ;
				blostfocus, bgotfocus, benter, ;
				lRightAlign, nhelpid, lbold, litalic, lunderline, abackcolor , afontcolor , lnotabstop, aarray )
	DEFAULT nWidth     := 120
	DEFAULT nHeight    := 24
	DEFAULT cValue     := ""
	DEFAULT bGotFocus  := ""
	DEFAULT bLostFocus := ""
	DEFAULT nMaxLenght := 255
	DEFAULT lUpper     := .f.
	DEFAULT lLower     := .f.
	DEFAULT lNumeric   := .f.
	DEFAULT bEnter     := ""
   public parentname := cparent,;
          cTxBname := cname,;
           aItems := aArray

       PARENT   &cparent
       ROW      nrow
       COL      ncol
       WIDTH    nwidth
       HEIGHT   nheight
       value    cValue
       FONTNAME cfontname
       FONTSIZE nFontsize
       tooltip  ctooltip
       maxlength nmaxlenght
       uppercase lupper
       lowercase llower
       numeric lnumeric
       onlostfocus blostfocus
       ongotfocus bgotfocus
       onenter benter
       ONCHANGE createcsbox() 
       rightalign lrightalign
       helpid nhelpid
       fontbold lbold
       fontitalic litalic
       fontunderline lunderline
       backcolor abackcolor 
       fontcolor afontcolor 
       tabstop lnotabstop
    END textbox
return nil	


function createcsbox
local formname :=
local formrow := thiswindow.row
local formcol := thiswindow.col
local controlrow := this.row
local controlcol := this.col
local controlwidth := this.width
local controlheight := this.height
local curvalue := this.value
local aresults := {}
local result := 0
local i := 0
local listboxheight := 0
local caret := this.CaretPos

if !empty(curvalue)
   for i := 1 to len(aitems)
      if upper(aitems[i]) == upper(curvalue)
         return nil //item selected already
      if upper(left(aitems[i],len(curvalue))) == upper(curvalue)
   next i
   if len(aresults) > 0
      listboxheight := max(min(len(aresults) * 15,thiswindow.height - controlrow - controlheight),20) 
      define window _hmg_csbox at formrow+controlrow+20,formcol+controlcol width controlwidth height listboxheight+controlheight title '' modal nocaption nosize //on interactiveclose _hmg_csbox.release()
         define textbox _cstext
            row 3
            col 3
            width controlwidth
            height controlheight 
            on change _cstextchanged()
            on enter _csitemselected()
         end textbox
         define listbox _cslist
            row controlheight+3
            col 3
            width controlwidth
            height listboxheight
            items aresults
            on dblclick _csitemselected()
            value 1
         end listbox
      end window
      on key UP of _hmg_csbox action _csdoupkey()
      on key DOWN of _hmg_csbox action _csdodownkey()
      on key ESCAPE of _hmg_csbox action _csdoesckey()
      _hmg_csbox._cstext.value := curvalue
      _hmg_csbox._cstext.CaretPos := caret
return nil         
function _cstextchanged
local curvalue := _hmg_csbox._cstext.value
local aresults := {}
local result := 0
local i := 0
local listboxheight := 0
local parentheight := getproperty(parentname,"HEIGHT")
local parentrow := getproperty(parentname,"ROW")
for i := 1 to len(aitems)
   if upper(left(aitems[i],len(curvalue))) == upper(curvalue)
next i
if len(aresults) > 0
   for i := 1 to len(aresults)
   next i
   _hmg_csbox._cslist.value := 1
listboxheight := max(min(len(aresults) * 15,(parentheight + parentrow - _hmg_csbox.row - _hmg_csbox._cstext.row - _hmg_csbox._cstext.height - 10)),20) 
_hmg_csbox._cslist.height := listboxheight
_hmg_csbox.height := listboxheight+_hmg_csbox._cstext.height
return nil   
function _csitemselected
if _hmg_csbox._cslist.value > 0
return nil

function _csdoupkey
if _hmg_csbox._cslist.itemcount > 0 .and. _hmg_csbox._cslist.value > 1
   _hmg_csbox._cslist.value := _hmg_csbox._cslist.value - 1
return nil

function _csdodownkey
if _hmg_csbox._cslist.itemcount > 0 .and. _hmg_csbox._cslist.value < _hmg_csbox._cslist.itemcount
   _hmg_csbox._cslist.value := _hmg_csbox._cslist.value + 1

function _csdoesckey
return nil

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Re: Incremental Search with Combo Box

Post by sudip »

Hi Rathi,

Excellent work :D So, we are going to get a power packed command with HMG, if Roberto permits :D

I have 3 queries. (Those are just queries, nothing more.)

1. Can the lower border of the list box be more prominent?
2. Can the parent clause of ComboSearchBox be optional?
3. How can the "ordinary" people like me, get knowledge of _HMG_SYSDATA ;)

Thank you again for sharing this excellent software.

With best regards.

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Re: Incremental Search with Combo Box

Post by Rathinagiri »

I think I too don't know anything about _HMG_SYSDATA. What I had done is copy paste from and :)

I am working only for the other two queries. :)
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Re: Incremental Search with Combo Box

Post by esgici »

Wonderful :D

Now could we say "we have a new control" ?

Congrats and thanks :D

with best regards


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Re: Incremental Search with Combo Box

Post by esgici »

Hi Rathi

Two little suggestions :

( line 230 )

Code: Select all

define window _hmg_csbox at formrow+controlrow+27, formcol+controlcol width controlwidth + 6 height listboxheight+controlheight + 6 title '' modal nocaption nosize //on interactiveclose _hmg_csbox.release()
and ( line 280 )

Code: Select all

_hmg_csbox.height := listboxheight+_hmg_csbox._cstext.height + 6


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Re: Incremental Search with Combo Box

Post by Rathinagiri »


Kindly try this. I think I had solved all the three queries.

Code: Select all


      CSBox ( Combined Search Box ) try


    #include ""

    #command @ <row>, <col> COMBOSEARCHBOX <name>                  ;
             [ <dummy1: OF, PARENT> <parent> ] ;
                            [ HEIGHT <height> ]             ;
                            [ WIDTH <width> ]               ;
                            [ VALUE <value> ]               ;
                            [ FONT <fontname> ]             ;
                            [ SIZE <fontsize> ]             ;
                            [ <bold : BOLD> ] ;
                            [ <italic : ITALIC> ] ;
                            [ <underline : UNDERLINE> ] ;
                            [ TOOLTIP <tooltip> ]           ;
                            [ BACKCOLOR <backcolor> ] ;
                            [ FONTCOLOR <fontcolor> ] ;
                            [ MAXLENGTH <maxlenght> ]       ;
                            [ <upper: UPPERCASE> ]          ;
                            [ <lower: LOWERCASE> ]          ;
                            [ <numeric: NUMERIC> ]          ;
                            [ ON GOTFOCUS <gotfocus> ]      ;
                            [ ON LOSTFOCUS <lostfocus> ]    ;
                            [ ON ENTER <enter> ]      ;
                            [ <RightAlign: RIGHTALIGN> ]   ;
                            [ <notabstop: NOTABSTOP> ]   ;
                            [ HELPID <helpid> ]       ;
                            [ ITEMS <aitems>  ]     ;
             _DefineComboSearchBox( <"name">, <"parent">, <col>, <row>, <width>, <height>, <value>, ;
                <fontname>, <fontsize>, <tooltip>, <maxlenght>, ;
                            <.upper.>, <.lower.>, <.numeric.>, ;
                <{lostfocus}>, <{gotfocus}>, <{enter}>, ;
                <.RightAlign.>, <helpid>, <.bold.>, <.italic.>, <.underline.>, <backcolor> , <fontcolor> , <.notabstop.>, <aitems> )
    #xcommand DEFINE COMBOSEARCHBOX <name>;
       _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 416 \]   := <"name">   ;; //name
       _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 417 \]   := Nil      ;; //parent
       _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 431 \]   := Nil      ;; //row
       _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 432 \]   := Nil      ;; //col
       _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 421 \]   := Nil      ;; // height
       _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 420 \]   := Nil      ;; // width
       _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 434 \]   := Nil      ;; //value
       _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 422 \]  := Nil      ;; //font
       _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 423 \]   := Nil      ;; // size
       _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 412 \]   := .f.      ;; //bold
       _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 413 \]   := .f.      ;; // italic
       _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 415 \]   := .f.      ;; // underline
       _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 424 \]   := Nil      ;; //tooltip
       _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 457 \]   := Nil      ;; // backcolor
       _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 458 \]   := Nil      ;; // fontcolor
       _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 442 \] := Nil   ;; // maxlength
       _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 475 \] := .f.      ;; //upper
       _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 476 \]   := .f.      ;;  //lower
       _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 477 \]   := .f.      ;;  // numeric
       _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 426 \] := Nil      ;; // gotfocus
       _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 427 \]   := Nil         ;; //lostfocus
       _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 437 \]   := Nil         ;; //enter
       _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 440 \]    := .f.          ;; //rightalign
       _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 428 \]   := .t.      ;; //tabstop
       _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 429 \]   := Nil      ;; // helpid
       _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 436 \]      := Nil       // items

             _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 416 \],; //name
             _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 417 \],; //parent
             _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 432 \],; //col
             _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 431 \],; //row
             _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 420 \],; //width
             _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 421 \],; //height
             _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 434 \],; //value
             _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 422 \],; //fontname
             _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 423 \],; //fontsize
             _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 424 \],; //tooltip
             _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 442 \],; //maxlength
             _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 475 \],; //upper
             _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 476 \],; //lower
             _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 477 \],; //numeric
             _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 427 \],; //lostfocus
             _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 426 \],; //gotfocus
             _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 437 \],; //enter
             _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 440 \],; //rightalign
             _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 429 \],; //helpid
             _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 412 \],; //bold
             _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 413 \] , ; //italic
             _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 415 \],; //underline
             _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 457 \] , ; //backcolor
             _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 458 \] , ;// fontcolor
             _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 428 \] ,; //tabstop
             _HMG_SYSDATA \[ 436 \]) //items

    PROC Main()

       aCountries := HB_ATOKENS( MEMOREAD( "Countries.lst" ),   CRLF )
       ASORT( aCountries )                    // This Array MUST be sorted
       DEFINE WINDOW frmCSBTest ;
          AT 0,0 ;
          WIDTH 550 ;
          HEIGHT 300 ;
          TITLE 'CSBox ( Combined Search Box ) Test' ;
          ON KEY ESCAPE ACTION frmCSBTest.Release
          define label countries
             row 25
             col 100
             width 100
             value "Countries"
          end label
          define combosearchbox s1
             row 25
             col 190
             width 200
             fontname "Courier"
             fontitalic .t.
             fontbold .t.
             fontcolor {255,255,255}
             backcolor {0,0,255}
             items acountries
          end combosearchbox
          @ 55, 190 TEXTBOX txbMessy width 400
          @ 85, 190 TEXTBOX txbMessy1
       END WINDOW // frmCSBTest

    RETU // Main()

    function _DefineComboSearchBox( cname,cparent, ncol, nrow, nwidth, nheight, cvalue, ;
                cfontname, nfontsize, ctooltip, nmaxlenght, ;
                            lupper, llower, lnumeric, ;
                blostfocus, bgotfocus, benter, ;
                lRightAlign, nhelpid, lbold, litalic, lunderline, abackcolor , afontcolor , lnotabstop, aarray )
       DEFAULT nWidth     := 120
       DEFAULT nHeight    := 24
       DEFAULT cValue     := ""
       DEFAULT bGotFocus  := ""
       DEFAULT bLostFocus := ""
       DEFAULT nMaxLenght := 255
       DEFAULT lUpper     := .f.
       DEFAULT lLower     := .f.
       DEFAULT lNumeric   := .f.
       DEFAULT bEnter     := ""
       public parentname := '',;
              cTxBname := cname,;
               aItems := aArray
		if _HMG_SYSDATA [ 264 ] = .T.
		   parentname := _HMG_SYSDATA [ 223 ]
		   parentname := cparent

        DEFINE TEXTBOX &cname
           PARENT   &cparent
           ROW      nrow
           COL      ncol
           WIDTH    nwidth
           HEIGHT   nheight
           value    cValue
           FONTNAME cfontname
           FONTSIZE nFontsize
           tooltip  ctooltip
           maxlength nmaxlenght
           uppercase lupper
           lowercase llower
           numeric lnumeric
           onlostfocus blostfocus
           ongotfocus bgotfocus
           onenter benter
           ONCHANGE createcsbox()
           rightalign lrightalign
           helpid nhelpid
           fontbold lbold
           fontitalic litalic
           fontunderline lunderline
           backcolor abackcolor
           fontcolor afontcolor
           tabstop lnotabstop
        END textbox
    return nil   


    function createcsbox
    local formname :=
    local formrow := thiswindow.row
    local formcol := thiswindow.col
    local controlrow := this.row
    local controlcol := this.col
    local controlwidth := this.width
    local controlheight := this.height
    local curvalue := this.value
    local aresults := {}
    local result := 0
    local i := 0
    local listboxheight := 0
    local caret := this.CaretPos

    if !empty(curvalue)
       for i := 1 to len(aitems)
          if upper(aitems[i]) == upper(curvalue)
             return nil //item selected already
          if upper(left(aitems[i],len(curvalue))) == upper(curvalue)
       next i
       if len(aresults) > 0
          listboxheight := max(min((len(aresults) * 16)+60,thiswindow.height - controlrow - controlheight-10),40)
          define window _hmg_csbox at formrow+controlrow+20,formcol+controlcol width controlwidth+6 height listboxheight+controlheight title '' modal nocaption nosize //on interactiveclose _hmg_csbox.release()
             define textbox _cstext
                row 3
                col 3
                width controlwidth
                height controlheight
	            FONTNAME this.fontname
           		FONTSIZE this.Fontsize
           		tooltip  this.tooltip
           		fontbold this.fontbold
           		fontitalic this.fontitalic
           		fontunderline this.fontunderline
           		backcolor this.backcolor
           		fontcolor this.fontcolor
                on change _cstextchanged()
                on enter _csitemselected()
             end textbox
             define listbox _cslist
                row controlheight+3
                col 3
                width controlwidth
                height listboxheight
                items aresults
                on dblclick _csitemselected()
                value 1
             end listbox
          end window
          on key UP of _hmg_csbox action _csdoupkey()
          on key DOWN of _hmg_csbox action _csdodownkey()
          on key ESCAPE of _hmg_csbox action _csdoesckey()
          _hmg_csbox._cstext.value := curvalue
          _hmg_csbox._cstext.CaretPos := caret
    return nil         
    function _cstextchanged
    local curvalue := _hmg_csbox._cstext.value
    local aresults := {}
    local result := 0
    local i := 0
    local listboxheight := 0
    local parentheight := getproperty(parentname,"HEIGHT")
    local parentrow := getproperty(parentname,"ROW")
    for i := 1 to len(aitems)
       if upper(left(aitems[i],len(curvalue))) == upper(curvalue)
    next i
    if len(aresults) > 0
       for i := 1 to len(aresults)
       next i
       _hmg_csbox._cslist.value := 1
    listboxheight := max(min((len(aresults) * 16)+6,(parentheight + parentrow - _hmg_csbox.row - _hmg_csbox._cstext.row - _hmg_csbox._cstext.height - 14)),40)
    _hmg_csbox._cslist.height := listboxheight
    _hmg_csbox.height := listboxheight+_hmg_csbox._cstext.height
    return nil   
    function _csitemselected
    if _hmg_csbox._cslist.value > 0
    return nil

    function _csdoupkey
    if _hmg_csbox._cslist.itemcount > 0 .and. _hmg_csbox._cslist.value > 1
       _hmg_csbox._cslist.value := _hmg_csbox._cslist.value - 1
    return nil

    function _csdodownkey
    if _hmg_csbox._cslist.itemcount > 0 .and. _hmg_csbox._cslist.value < _hmg_csbox._cslist.itemcount
       _hmg_csbox._cslist.value := _hmg_csbox._cslist.value + 1
    return nil
    function _csdoesckey
    return nil

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Re: Incremental Search with Combo Box

Post by Rathinagiri »

I had separated the sample and control file. Attached is sample and control programmes.

Kindly compile and tell me about your comments. :)
ComboSearchBox Control Sample
(3.49 KiB) Downloaded 312 times
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Re: Incremental Search with Combo Box

Post by sudip »

Hi Rathi,

Excellent :D Mind Blowing :o What a magic :shock:

Thank you very much :) I like it soooooo much !!!!

All the queries solved!!!!! You are a genius, my friend!!!!

With best regards.

With best regards,
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