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Notepad++ Installation / UpGrade

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 11:16 pm
by Pablo César
In the last days, I have seen many options shown as plugins of Notepad++ and I am really very impressed. It was certainly a great choice to be part of our Notepad text editor to edit the source code that comes with the installation package of HMG.

On the other hand, if we think about how best politically speaking, to consider the size and number what Notepad folder would occupies on our computers every installation of HMG. Actually at sub-folder of Notepad++ of HMG folder is with 390 files and 14,5 MB occupied at hard disk, multiplied by the number of HMG version installed.

What I understand is that there is always a major setback when upgraded Notepad++ and coming up losing the settings that were made. This is a problem that we should be concerned to resolve losses after upgrades.

In my opinion, installing Notepad++ by the conventional way (default suggest at Notepad++ installation), thus avoiding problems in the future updates. Because Notepad++ will be registered in the Windows, staying more secure and correct. That way we could ignore multiple files from folder Notepad, wiping more the space and the number of notepads stored, leaving slightest the file of HMG's installation. Then, we might have to provide all configuration files involved to define the programming language or even let it out of file in HMG's installation and make it available here on the forum (as I have done in this section).

In case we still continue let Notepad in several place, will be necessary to develop a program for installing these plugins with the option of selecting items and that program would detects the version of Windows and define the location where the Notepad++ was installed. But IMO this is not so safe or accurate, because would the user's criteria and not the registry in Windows which is more assured.

For XP and early version has a place and for the rest have another folder names and we would use the function in C (CSIDL_APPDATA) courtesy of our friend Dr. Soto.
[tr][td]Version[/td][td]   [/td][td]Full path name of Notepad++ probably been installed at[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Windows 8[/td][td]   [/td][td]C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Windows 7[/td][td]   [/td][td]C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]2K8[/td][td]   [/td][td]C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Vista[/td][td]   [/td][td]C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]XP[/td][td]   [/td][td]C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Application Data\Notepad++\[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]2K3[/td][td]   [/td][td]C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Application Data\Notepad++\[/td][/tr][/table]
For these reasons, it is necessary to collect the various difficult situations around the installation of Notepad++ and set the HMG installation package to make it slightest and better politically speaking (on quantity and space occupied of notepad in the HD).

Also a good question is that each user at same computer would have different settings by installing Notepad++ in conventional way.

Rathi, do you have formed opinion to give us about this?

Notepad++ Installation / UpGrade

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 1:47 am
by Pablo César
After I've been thinking that all that was talked about earlier was based on concepts and my own experience. But I confess that before there are various ways to install and use of Notepad++ and we should assess the risks and options that Notepad++ is offering during installations.
I say by facing this screen:
Remove-Notepad++-2.jpg (38.73 KiB) Viewed 10961 times
Therefore I will make several tests for installation and checking if is loosing pre-configurations.

Re: Notepad++ Installation / UpGrade

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 3:32 pm
by Rathinagiri
It is a nice idea to have a single installation of Notepad++ over all the installations of HMG versions. This would not only save space in the hard disk, reduce the size of HMG distribution and have uniform and unique way of handling source code.

Pablo, can we create a Notepad++ setup file along with the configuration of say auto completion, function listing etc.,? We can host the setup file along with HMG recommending to download separately and get it installed.

Notepad++ Installation / UpGrade

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 1:57 pm
by Pablo César
Rathinagiri wrote:Pablo, can we create a Notepad++ setup file along with the configuration of say auto completion, function listing etc.,? We can host the setup file along with HMG recommending to download separately and get it installed.
Yes I think is possible, it would be a good option or more probably to reach a conclusion to define our main needs and we can make our indication and just summarize both options of Notepad that offers. But first I will need to make some tests in different enviroments and options. My main doubt is if our users (our colleagues programmers) needs to share Notepad++ with common users at the same computer. I means if Notepad++ need to be installed with especific configurations, according each user at Windows. And this is a good chance to know from users when read this and answer their needs.

Let me extend this matter of Notepad++ screen options of components. By this screen:


Notepad++ says:

1._ Don't use %APPDATA%
     Enable this option to make Notepad++ load/write the configuration files from/to its install directory. Check if you use Notepad++ in an USB device.

2._ Allow plugins to be loaded from %APPDATA%\\notepad++\\plugins
     It could cause a security issue. Turn it on if you know what you are doing.

My doubts:

Note: When it's says %APPDATA% it will means that it will be installed in Program files folder from USER directory. This is very important when the computer is shared by many users, which other users could not access (due users right access in Windows).

In item 1, I think this is only used when we want instalation to be an a different folder (not "Program files" folder) and placed all files at one folder and this included Notepad++ configurations files and plugins. This is usefull for pendrive cases and probably would it be a good option for us.

But the problem is this item 2 that seems to combine two new options: plugins "IN" or "OUT" of installation folder. And this "OUT" option (plugins will set to USER's configurations folder) certainly will be prevented by security Windows system when others users needs to share plugins or any configurations files.

Your suggestion to create an installation program for Notepad++, could be good. Because we can let FIXED options, but the main problem is when Notepad is claiming by the auto-upgrade and user could choose to make it by another Notepad++ way of installation. So IMO, user should install ALWAYS in the same way just to avoid any configuration loossing.

So all these doubts I need to clarify. Help and comments will be good accepted.

Notepad++ Installation / UpGrade

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 3:26 pm
by Pablo César
The attached file is a copy of Notepad++ (latest version) with the following plugins to be tested and appreciated:
  • 1. Auto-Completion
    2. Function List
    3. Language Help (HMG / Harbour)
    4. Quicktext
If you want to see how each of these plugins, unzip the file Notepad++.Rar in a folder. By clicking with the right mouse button, in context-menu select the option "Extract to Notepad++\". Then it will creates a new folder with the name of "Notepad++" in your hard disk. So from now on, you can execute this version of Notepad++ from that folder that is ready for use, ie., is already with all these plugins configured.

If you run the Notepad++ will open a new blank document called "new 1" that is in the "Normal text" format, so we have to try to rename the opened file for PRG or select in the menu, the programming language. In our case, the programming language is xBase.
Once selected the xBase language, you can do these tests:

- Type within the text editor, the following string: ach
   then will displayed Achoice option of combobox to be selected.
   You can choose by Image (Enter key).
   After selecting function by Auto-Completion, you continue to type opening parenthesis -> (
   then you will see the syntax of slected function. And as you typing will appear
   highlighted each parameter of the syntax function.

- If you open a PRG file with its various functions within, you can test the Function List
   by clicking at followin button:
   Then will be displayed all the functions mentioned in your PRG file.

- You can test Language Help (HMG / Harbour) by typing:
   textbox and click with the right button of the mouse and one context-menu
   will be displayed. You can choose HMG to see in chm file the syntax of textbox.

- To see how it's works the Quicktext, type within the text editor, the following string:
   BUTTON (in upper case) then press Image (TAB key) to see the result.
   (Click here to see demo video)

I hope I have been able to present the best features of plugins that make it much easier for sure in edition of our source codes and I hope you all enjoy.

Important note: This is not our final statement nor a procedure for installing Notepad++. This a Notepad++ installed package is just to test the capabilities of those plugins. Installing Notepad++ in your computer will be made by the user if you choose this as the default editor of your source code.
Later I will instruct a more convenient way for all of us about how to install Notepad++ without losing settings after future updates of this editor.

Re: Notepad++ Installation / UpGrade

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 2:55 am
by andyglezl
Hola Pablo César

Gracias por tu investigación sobre el Notepad++

Yo estoy experimentando con el, y ya logre darle una "vista" parecida a la que tenia en el "xMate"
Lo que no he podido, es que me muestre la lista de funciones al lado derecho.
Hi Pablo Cesar

Thank you for your inquiry into the Notepad + +

I'm experimenting with, and achieve and give a "view" similar to the one I had in the "xMate"
What I have not been able, is to show me the list of functions on the right side.

Notepad++ Installation / UpGrade

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:18 am
by Pablo César
andyglezl wrote:Gracias por tu investigación sobre el Notepad++

Yo estoy experimentando con el, y ya logre darle una "vista" parecida a la que tenia en el "xMate"
Hola Andrés, me alegra saber que pude contribuir para que sea evaluado los PLUGINS del Notepad++, valen la pena verlos y muchas gracias por demostrar tu interés !
andyglezl wrote:Lo que no he podido, es que me muestre la lista de funciones al lado derecho.
Contame si estás usando desde el ejecutable de dentro de la carpeta creada por el paquete que envié o si lo estás ejecutando desde tu prévia instalación es decir desde %APPDATA%\notepad++\ ?


Tell me if you're using from the executable inside the folder created by the package I sent, or if you're running from your previous installation that is since %APPDATA%\Notepad++\ ?

Re: Notepad++ Installation / UpGrade

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 7:17 pm
by andyglezl
Hola Pablo César

Estoy utilizando el ejecutable desde: C:\Archivos de programa\Notepad++

Y copie los archivos .xml que enviaste, a: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrador\Datos de programa\Notepad++
( %APPDATA%\notepad++ ) y ya lo conseguí.

Instale el plugin "NppExec" (para ejecutar el .bat de compilación) y con esto, mi ciclo es:

1.- Modifico el fuente
2.- Ctrl-S (guardo modificaciones)
3.- Ctrl-F12 (ejecuto el .bat de compilación)
Hi Pablo Cesar

I'm using the executable from: C:\Program Files\Notepad++

And copy the .Xml you sent to: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Notepad++
(% APPDATA%\Notepad++) and i got it.

Install the plugin "NppExec" (to run the .Bat compilation) and with this, my cycle is:

1. - I modify the source
2.- Ctrl-S (keep changes)
3.- Ctrl-F12 (run the. Bat compilation)

Re: Notepad++ Installation / UpGrade

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:42 pm
by Pablo César
andyglezl wrote:Estoy utilizando el ejecutable desde:
C:\Archivos de programa\Notepad++

Y copie los archivos .xml que enviaste, a:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrador\Datos de programa\Notepad++
( %APPDATA%\notepad++ ) y ya lo conseguí.
Muy contento Andrés, que hayas conseguido. Todo depende la forma que es instalado el Notepad++
Instale el plugin "NppExec" (para ejecutar el .bat de compilación) y con esto, mi ciclo es:

1.- Modifico el fuente
2.- Ctrl-S (guardo modificaciones)
3.- Ctrl-F12 (ejecuto el .bat de compilación)
Podria exponer el contenido de ese archivo .bat ?

Andrés, que te pareció el Notepad++ ? Atiende todas tus necesidades ?


Very good Andrés, you've gotten. It all depends on how Notepad++ is installed

Could you expose the contents of your Bacth file ?

Re: Notepad++ Installation / UpGrade

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 4:19 pm
by andyglezl
El .bat es simple, solo lleva esto (en mi caso):
C:\hmg.3.0.44\build.bat checavt.prg, ee.prg
Y en el programa, hacer lo siguiente:

Despues de activar "Show Console Dialog",
1.- hay que digitar dentro de la ventana "Console" el nombre del .bat
y oprimimos "Enter" para ejecutarlo. (solo la primera vez).
2.- Las siguientes veces, solo oprimimos "Ctrl-F12" para ejecutarlo.

The .bat is simple, just take this (in my case):
C:\hmg.3.0.44\build.bat checavt.prg, ee.prg
And in the program, do the following:

After enable "Show Console Dialog"
1.- There to type in the window "Console" name .bat
and oppressed "Enter" to execute. (first time only).
2.- The following times, only oppressed "Ctrl-F12" to run it.

Lo que no me agrada, es que en la lista de funciones aparecen todos los llamados a las
funciones que contiene el .prg, pero podría ser configuración, cuestion de seguir buscando.
What I dislike is that in the list of functions are all called to the
containing functions. prg but could be configuration issue to keep looking.