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Re: I wish to post and participate in HMG Forum

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 5:13 pm
by danielmaximiliano
santyramirez wrote:Thanks for the warm welcome Daniel! HMG is so cool :D It even have a debug mode :o Now it is easier to fix problems... :roll: If only I can make break work... I keep on pressing F9 but nothing is happening and when I press F5 it doesn't stop there. But still, I love this debug mode. Great help in tracing problem.
It's a bit difficult to use the Debug Harbour, but slowly find small tips to streamline the operation, is a bit hard to explain but it works wonders.
my application contains folders that contain the various resources of the application and for that reason Debug does not work.
Examinador de Proyecto [Rocar2013.png
Examinador de Proyecto [Rocar2013.png (8.74 KiB) Viewed 5836 times

Re: I wish to post and participate in HMG Forum

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 6:37 am
by santyramirez
Debug works for me at least for F8 and F10 (Step and Trace) and I have 80 PRG all in the same folder. Go to Cursor and BreakPoint doesn't seem to work. If I want to check multiple variables I use debug since Watch Point window is there to see the variables value. Else I just put a display and inkey before the line error to check what's causing the problem. Still Debug function is highly useful, something I wasn't able to use in Clipper.

Re: I wish to post and participate in HMG Forum

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 6:41 am
by santyramirez
Btw, I found a dozen of errors which I have fixed that was working fine in Clipper mostly on Asize function. Ran a comparison test on reading tables between compiled in Clipper and HMG. HMG is very slightly faster and flow is smooth unlike in Clipper my counter jumps unless it is in full screen. I'll test in a live network environment after some more testing.

Re: I wish to post and participate in HMG Forum

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 6:44 am
by santyramirez
Hopefully my freezing problem in Clipper will be fixed in HMG. When my program reads about million of records and process a report, let say 4 hours. After processing the report, the Clipper program hangs (not sure if it got DC from server connection but mapping is still alive). Luckily it has generated a temporary file which I instruct users to pickup and print (since the application hangs).

Re: I wish to post and participate in HMG Forum

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 1:32 pm
by mol
jayadevu wrote:Hi,

Welcome. Your message made me remember my own journey.

Regarding your scroll problem, you may 1st try to adjust the properties of the command box where your exe is launched. Right click->go to properties -> change layout to Width 80 and Height 25, that should solve your scroll problem.

You could also go into the font tab and increase the window size to 10 x 20 which will give you enough screen space.

Hope that helps,

Warm regards,


For 80x25 mode, we can use:

Code: Select all


Re: I wish to post and participate in HMG Forum

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 5:04 pm
by andyglezl
Hola, santyramirez

Quizá te pueda ayudar con el debug, lo siguiente:



Hello, santyramirez

Maybe you can help with the debug, the following:


Re: I wish to post and participate in HMG Forum

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 3:26 am
by santyramirez
Hi Mol, SetMode(25,80) did a great job. Thank you. Hi andyglezl, thanks for the thread, learned a lot on debugging.

One problem left. When I tried to do a test from DOS based Clipper compiled exe versus HMG generated exe on the live environment, I was surprised to see that the DOS based Clipper compiled exe was reading records on the database faster. It was reading records faster... *** Sigh ***... I run the test for 20 minutes on both the server and a network PC. On the Server, the DOS based Clipper compiled exe was reading records 1 Million more records faster and on the network PC, thousand more records faster. Tried the test several times and same result. When I tried the test on my programming laptop, the speed are almost the same.

My database is a DBF database with .NTX index. I created a subfunction on the program which reads the biggest DBF and shows how many records read per second, per minute and average per minute. the DOS based Clipper compiled exe read records faster on the live environment.

Re: I wish to post and participate in HMG Forum

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 5:08 am
by mol
How fast? can you post some percents?

Re: I wish to post and participate in HMG Forum

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 7:30 am
by dhaine_adp
Hi Santy,

Welcome to HMG. I'm glad you found this forum. Out of HMG there is also HMG Extended (MiniGUI) and ooHG.

