QR Code in HMG

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QR Code in HMG

Post by andyglezl »

Alguien sabe si podemos hacer lo que hace esta pagina, en HMG ???
Anyone know if we can do what this page does, in HMG ??

http://www.quickmark.com.tw/en/qrcode-d ... ?qrEncrypt

http://www.quickmark.com.tw/en/qrcode-d ... sp?qrVCard
Andrés González López
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Re: QR Code in HMG

Post by Rathinagiri »

In HMG, we can create QR Code easily. What does that page do?
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Re: QR Code in HMG

Post by andyglezl »

Rathinagiri wrote: Sat May 27, 2017 4:38 am In HMG, we can create QR Code easily. What does that page do?
Crea codigo QR encriptado que al leerlo te pide una contraseña

ó llenar una agenda con solo leer el codigo
Create encrypted QR code that, when read, prompts you for a password

Or fill an agenda with just read the code ...

De aqui se puede descargar un programa que lee codigos QR con la camara web
From here you can download a program that reads QR codes with the web camera
Andrés González López
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Re: QR Code in HMG

Post by Rathinagiri »

In which application?

In my Android device when I read with barcode application it shows some jungled characters.
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Re: QR Code in HMG

Post by andyglezl »

Rathinagiri wrote: Sat May 27, 2017 5:07 am In which application?

In my Android device when I read with barcode application it shows some jungled characters.

La idea es poder crear y leer codigos QR encriptados con HMG
The idea is to create and read QR codes encrypted with HMG
quickmark.jpg (107.29 KiB) Viewed 321464 times
Andrés González López
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Re: QR Code in HMG

Post by Rathinagiri »

IMHO, QR Code is an encoding system. You can encode any text including encrypted data.

Encryption as such is another complicated process consisting of not only the password and also the encryption algorithm like RSA. And to complicate the things further there can be a situation of private and public key pair where data encrypted with private/public key and decrypted with public/private key.

So, if we know the algorithm and key we can encrypt the data and encode it finally into QR Code.
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Re: QR Code in HMG

Post by andyglezl »

Rathinagiri wrote: Sat May 27, 2017 5:27 am IMHO, QR Code is an encoding system. You can encode any text including encrypted data.

Encryption as such is another complicated process consisting of not only the password and also the encryption algorithm like RSA. And to complicate the things further there can be a situation of private and public key pair where data encrypted with private/public key and decrypted with public/private key.

So, if we know the algorithm and key we can encrypt the data and encode it finally into QR Code.
Muchas gracias por la info Rathi !
Many thanks for the info Rathi!
Andrés González López
Desde Guadalajara, Jalisco. México.
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Re: QR Code in HMG

Post by andyglezl »

Hola, aquí de nuevo con algunas dudas sobre códigos QR.

Generé un código de un tamaño adecuado, pero no logro que salga "completo" y no se puede leer.
Generé el mismo dato en una página online y no parecen estar igual pero al leerlo si despliega la
información correcta.

Ya anteriormente lo había hecho y revisando mi código, veo que hice un truco para poder leerlo,
solo cerrando el marco de la derecha, pero otra duda es:
Que pasa con esa parte que no se generó ?
por lo que veo no es necesaria ya que la lectura es correcta.

Quizá estoy haciendo algo mal ó es algún bug ?
Hello, here again with some doubts about QR codes.

I generated a code of the right size, but I can't get it Out "full" and you can't read it.
I generated the same data on an online page and do not seem to be the same but when you read it unfold the
Correct information.

Previously I had done and revising my code, I see that I did a trick to read it,
Just closing the frame on the right, but another question is:
What about that part that wasn't generated?

From what I see is not necessary as the reading is correct.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong or is it a bug?

Code: Select all

HMG_CreateBarCode( "RFC-Emisor|RFC-Receptor|12345.00|20172106-3164-5644-225876345685|", ;
						"QRCODE", 7, 100, .F., System.TempFolder+"CB_QRCODE.jpg", BLACK, WHITE, .t., .f., .f. )
QR-HMG.jpg (183.59 KiB) Viewed 320892 times
Andrés González López
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Re: QR Code in HMG

Post by edk »

Hello Andrés.
I think this is a bug. My procedure for generating QRCODE codes directly in PDF and also based on hb_zebra library generates your QR code correctly.

In my spare time I will try to look at the sources in h_HMG_Zebra.Prg
qr.png (6.42 KiB) Viewed 320868 times

Code: Select all

#include "hmg.ch"

Function Main()


	HPDFDrawBarcode(10, 50, "RFC-Emisor|RFC-Receptor|12345.00|20172106-3164-5644-225876345685|", "QRCODE", 4)



Execute File 'sample.pdf'
Return Nil

PROCEDURE HPDFDrawBarcode( nRow, nCol, cCode, cType, nLineWidth, nLineHeight, lShowDigits, lCheckSum, lWide2_5, lWide3 )

   Local hZebra, cTxt, nFlags, nSizeWidth, nTextWidth 
   Local hPdf        := _HMG_SYSDATA[ 150 ][ 1 ]
   Local hPage       := _HMG_SYSDATA[ 150 ][ 7 ]

   Local nWidth      := _HMG_SYSDATA[ 150 ][ 4 ]
   Local nHeight     := _HMG_SYSDATA[ 150 ][ 5 ]
   Local nxPos       := _HMG_HPDF_MM2Pixel( nCol )
   Local nyPos       := nHeight - _HMG_HPDF_MM2Pixel( nRow )
   Local cFont       := "Helvetica"
   Local nFontSize   := 9
   Local nTextHeight := 0 

   DEFAULT nLineWidth  := 1
   DEFAULT nLineHeight := 18
   DEFAULT lCheckSum   := .F.
   DEFAULT lWide2_5    := .F.
   DEFAULT lWide3      := .F.
   DEFAULT lShowDigits := .F.

   nFlags := 0
   IF lChecksum
      nFlags := nFlags + HB_ZEBRA_FLAG_CHECKSUM
   IF lWide2_5
      nFlags := nFlags + HB_ZEBRA_FLAG_WIDE2_5
   IF lWide3
      nFlags := nFlags + HB_ZEBRA_FLAG_WIDE3
   IF nFlags == 0
      nFlags := Nil

   SWITCH cType
   CASE "EAN13"      ; hZebra := hb_zebra_create_ean13( cCode, nFlags )   ; EXIT
   CASE "EAN8"       ; hZebra := hb_zebra_create_ean8( cCode, nFlags )    ; EXIT
   CASE "UPCA"       ; hZebra := hb_zebra_create_upca( cCode, nFlags )    ; EXIT 
   CASE "UPCE"       ; hZebra := hb_zebra_create_upce( cCode, nFlags )    ; EXIT
   CASE "CODE39"     ; hZebra := hb_zebra_create_code39( cCode, nFlags )  ; EXIT
   CASE "ITF"        ; hZebra := hb_zebra_create_itf( cCode, nFlags )     ; EXIT
   CASE "MSI"        ; hZebra := hb_zebra_create_msi( cCode, nFlags )     ; EXIT
   CASE "CODABAR"    ; hZebra := hb_zebra_create_codabar( cCode, nFlags ) ; EXIT
   CASE "CODE93"     ; hZebra := hb_zebra_create_code93( cCode, nFlags )  ; EXIT
   CASE "CODE11"     ; hZebra := hb_zebra_create_code11( cCode, nFlags )  ; EXIT
   CASE "CODE128"    ; hZebra := hb_zebra_create_code128( cCode, nFlags ) ; EXIT
   CASE "PDF417"     ; hZebra := hb_zebra_create_pdf417( cCode, nFlags ); nLineHeight := nLineWidth * 3 ; lShowDigits := .f. ; EXIT
   CASE "DATAMATRIX" ; hZebra := hb_zebra_create_datamatrix( cCode, nFlags ); nLineHeight := nLineWidth ; lShowDigits := .f. ; EXIT
   CASE "QRCODE"     ; hZebra := hb_zebra_create_qrcode( cCode, nFlags ); nLineHeight := nLineWidth ; lShowDigits := .f. ; EXIT

   IF hZebra != NIL
      IF hb_zebra_geterror( hZebra ) == 0
         IF lShowDigits
            cTxt := ALLTRIM(hb_zebra_getcode( hZebra ))
            nSizeWidth  := HMG_Zebra_GetWidth  (hZebra, nLineWidth, nLineHeight, NIL)
            nSizeHeight := HMG_Zebra_GetHeight (hZebra, nLineWidth, nLineHeight, NIL)
            HPDF_Page_SetFontAndSize( hPage, HPDF_GetFont( hPdf, cFont, NIL ), nFontSize )
            nTextWidth := HPDF_Page_TextWidth( hPage, cTxt )
            nTextHeight:= nFontSize - 1
            HPDF_Page_BeginText( hPage )
            HPDF_Page_TextOut( hPage, (nxPos + ( nSizeWidth / 2 )) - ( nTextWidth / 2 ), nyPos - nSizeHeight, cTxt )
            HPDF_Page_EndText( hPage )         

         hb_zebra_draw_hpdf( hZebra, hPage, nxPos, nyPos, nLineWidth, -(nLineHeight-nTextHeight))

         MsgInfo ("Type "+ cType + CRLF +"Code "+ cCode+ CRLF+ "Error  "+LTrim(hb_valtostr(hb_zebra_geterror(hZebra))))

      hb_zebra_destroy( hZebra )
      MsgStop("Invalid barcode type !", cType)

STATIC FUNCTION hb_zebra_draw_hpdf( hZebra, hPage, ... )

   IF hb_zebra_geterror( hZebra ) != 0

   hb_zebra_draw( hZebra, {| x, y, w, h | HPDF_Page_Rectangle( hPage, x, y, w, h ) }, ... )

   HPDF_Page_Fill( hPage )

   RETURN 0 

FUNCTION HMG_Zebra_GetWidth (hZebra, nLineWidth, nLineHeight, iFlags)
LOCAL x1:= 0, y1 := 0, nBarWidth := 0, nBarHeight := 0
   // always --> nBarHeight = nLineHeight
   IF hb_zebra_GetError( hZebra ) != 0
// hb_zebra_draw ( hZebra,   bCodeBlock,                                            dX, dY,     dWidth,     dHeight, iFlags )
   hb_zebra_draw ( hZebra, {| x, y, w, h | nBarWidth:=MAX(x+w-x1, nBarWidth), nBarHeight:=MAX(y+h-y1, nBarHeight) }, x1, y1, nLineWidth, nLineHeight, iFlags )
RETURN nBarWidth

FUNCTION HMG_Zebra_GetHeight (hZebra, nLineWidth, nLineHeight, iFlags)
LOCAL x1:= 0, y1 := 0, nBarWidth := 0, nBarHeight := 0
   // always --> nBarHeight = nLineHeight
   IF hb_zebra_GetError( hZebra ) != 0
// hb_zebra_draw ( hZebra,   bCodeBlock,                                            dX, dY,     dWidth,     dHeight, iFlags )
   hb_zebra_draw ( hZebra, {| x, y, w, h | nBarWidth:=MAX(x+w-x1, nBarWidth), nBarHeight:=MAX(y+h-y1, nBarHeight) }, x1, y1, nLineWidth, nLineHeight, iFlags )
RETURN nBarHeight
Last edited by edk on Sun Nov 26, 2017 9:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: QR Code in HMG

Post by edk »

I found a bug in h_HMG_Zebra.Prg
You must change at FUNCTION HMG_Zebra_GetWidth and FUNCTION HMG_Zebra_GetHeight:

Code: Select all

hb_zebra_draw ( hZebra, {| x, y, w, h | nBarWidth:=x+w-x1, nBarHeight:=y+h-y1 }, x1, y1, nLineWidth, nLineHeight, iFlags )

Code: Select all

hb_zebra_draw ( hZebra, {| x, y, w, h | nBarWidth:=MAX(x+w-x1, nBarWidth), nBarHeight:=MAX(y+h-y1, nBarHeight) }, x1, y1, nLineWidth, nLineHeight, iFlags )
Then rebuild hmg.
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