HMG.3.4.0 error con api de windows

Moderator: Rathinagiri

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Mario Mansilla
Posts: 270
Joined: Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:35 pm
Location: Córdoba - Argentina

HMG.3.4.0 error con api de windows

Post by Mario Mansilla »

Hola :
les envio un pequeño proyecto realizado con HMG.3.2 que usa las Api de windows , el cual al intentar pasarlo a HMG.3.4.0 da un mensaje de error por la falta de un archivo de MINGW y por lo tanto no crea el ejecutable .
Obsevo que la estructura de archivos de MINGW entre HMG3.2 y HMG.3.4 son muy dintintas .

Saludos .
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Mario Rafael Mansilla
Mario Mansilla
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Re: HMG.3.4.0 error con api de windows

Post by Mario Mansilla »

Hola :
solucione el inconveniente copiando el archivo aygshell.h de la carpeta hmg.3.3.1\mingw\include a la carpeta hmg.3.4.0\mingw\i86-w64-mingw32\include debido a que este archivo no se encontraba en la version hmg.3.4.0 .


Maro Mansilla
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Re: HMG.3.4.0 error con api de windows

Post by srvet_claudio »

Hi Mario,
this is not a API bug.
The aygshell.h file is not necessary, is a header file for Windows CE.
I corrected the data type conversion in your C code (avoids compiler warnings).
This is the corrected file Rs232.prg:

Code: Select all

* Programa : RS232.prg

#include <>

Function Init_com(nPort , nBaud , nDatabyte , nStopbits )
*                 nPort     : Puerto com 1 .. 9
*                 nBaud     : Velocidad comunicacion
*                 nStopbits : Bits de Stop  

Local nCom
Local continuar := .T.
Local nStop

nCom := "COM" + Str(nPort,1) + ":"

Do Case
   Case nStopbits = 1
      nStop = 0
   Case nStopbits = 2
      nStop = 2

Handler := Opencom(nCom)

If Handler < 0
   MsgInfo("Error abriendo " + nCom ,"Comunicación")
   Continuar := .F.

If Continuar
   IF !SetComm( handler, nBaud , 0, nDataByte, nStop)
      MsgInfo("Fallo al configurar com")
      Continuar := .F.
      Closecom( Handler )

If ! Continuar
   Closecom( Handler )
   prtcom := .T.

Return Continuar

Function  ComSend( Handler, cString )

LOCAL Continuar
LOCAL nBytesend, nBytes:= Len( cString )

nByteSend := WriteComm( Handler, @cString, nBytes )

cRest := nBytes - nByteSend 

Do while cRest > 0
   cString := Right(cString,cRest)
   nBytes := Len(cString)
   nByteSend := WriteComm(Handler, @cString , nBytes)
   cRest := nBytes - nBytesSend

If cRest = 0
   Continuar := .T.
   Continuar := .F.

Return  Continuar

Function Escribircom(String)

Continuar := .F.

*-- envio datos
Continuar := Comsend(Handler,String)

Return Continuar


#define BUFF_IN               1024
#define BUFF_OUT              1024
#define GENERIC_READ          0x80000000
#define GENERIC_WRITE         0x40000000
#define OPEN_EXISTING         3
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL 0x00000080

#define NOPARITY            0
#define ODDPARITY           1
#define EVENPARITY          2
#define MARKPARITY          3
#define SPACEPARITY         4

#define ONESTOPBIT          0
#define ONE5STOPBITS        1
#define TWOSTOPBITS         2

#include <windows.h>
#include <winbase.h>
#include <hbapi.h>

HANDLE handle ;
DWORD dwError;

handle = CreateFile(hb_parc( 1 ),( GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE ), 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0);

   dwError = GetLastError(); 
   printf("Error Createfile \n");
   printf("Error %lu\n",dwError);

hb_retnl((LONG) handle );

CloseHandle( (HANDLE) hb_parnl( 1 ) ) ;

   DCB dcb;
   COMMTIMEOUTS timeouts;
   BOOL lsuccess;
   DWORD dwError;

   SetupComm(( HANDLE) hb_parnl( 1 ), BUFF_IN, BUFF_OUT ) ;

   lsuccess = GetCommState( ( HANDLE ) hb_parnl( 1 ), &dcb );

   if (!lsuccess) 
      // Handle the error. 
      dwError = GetLastError();
      printf("Error GetCommstate \n");
      printf("Error %lu\n" , dwError);

   dcb.BaudRate             = hb_parni( 2 );
   dcb.Parity               = hb_parni( 3 );
   dcb.ByteSize             = hb_parni( 4 );
   dcb.StopBits             = hb_parni( 5 );

   dcb.fBinary              = TRUE;
   dcb.fParity              = TRUE;
   dcb.fOutxCtsFlow         = FALSE;
   dcb.fOutxDsrFlow         = FALSE;
   dcb.fDtrControl          = DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE;
   dcb.fDsrSensitivity      = FALSE;
   dcb.fTXContinueOnXoff    = FALSE;
   dcb.fOutX                = FALSE;
   dcb.fInX                 = FALSE;
   dcb.fErrorChar           = FALSE;
   dcb.fNull                = FALSE;
   dcb.fRtsControl          = RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE;
   dcb.fAbortOnError        = FALSE;

   lsuccess = GetCommTimeouts(( HANDLE) hb_parnl( 1 ) , &timeouts);

   if (!lsuccess) 
      // Handle the error. 
      dwError = GetLastError();
      printf("Error GetCommTimeouts \n");
      printf("Error %lu\n" , dwError);

   timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout         = 0;
   timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier  = 0;
   timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant    = 1000;
   timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
   timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant   = 0;

   lsuccess = SetCommTimeouts(( HANDLE) hb_parnl( 1 ), &timeouts );

   if (!lsuccess) 
      // Handle the error. 
      dwError = GetLastError();
      printf("Error SetCommTimeouts \n");
      printf("Error %lu\n" , dwError);

   lsuccess = SetCommState( ( HANDLE ) hb_parnl( 1 ), &dcb );

   if (!lsuccess) 
      // Handle the error. 
      dwError = GetLastError();
      printf("Error SetCommState \n");
      printf("Error %lu\n" , dwError);


  DWORD dw = 0;
  ReadFile( ( HANDLE ) hb_parnl( 1 ), ( LPVOID ) hb_parc( 2 ), ( DWORD ) hb_parni( 3 ), &dw, NULL );

  hb_retni( ( int ) dw ? ( int ) dw : -1 );

  DWORD dw = 0;
  WriteFile( (HANDLE ) hb_parnl( 1 ), ( LPVOID ) hb_parc( 2 ), ( DWORD ) hb_parni( 3 ), &dw, NULL );
  hb_retni( ( int ) dw ? ( int ) dw : -1);

#pragma ENDDUMP

Best regards.
Dr. Claudio Soto
(from Uruguay)
Mario Mansilla
Posts: 270
Joined: Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:35 pm
Location: Córdoba - Argentina

Re: HMG.3.4.0 error con api de windows

Post by Mario Mansilla »

Hola Claudio :
perfecto muchas gracias , implemento las modificaciones en el sistema completo y cualquier cosa te consulto .
Mario Mansilla
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