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Re: Enhanced Rich Edit Demo

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 8:51 pm
by esgici
Javier Tovar wrote: Pues tienes razón en que necesito aprender y mucho, y por eso pregunto, ya que mi conocimiento es escaso y no puedo resolver este problema de compilación, ES AQUÍ EL LUGAR PARA APRENDER O SOLO ES PARA LOS QUE SABEN??? SR. ESGICI???

Google Transalate wrote:Well you're right and I need to learn a lot, and wonder why, since my knowledge is limited and can not solve this problem of compilation, HERE IS THE PLACE TO LEARN OR JUST FOR THOSE WHO KNOW ??? MR. Esgici ???
You boy !

If you read right, you can understand right !

Your "error" report is false ! Work of Mr. Carmody work fine.

Your need is first learn that
real programmers never send anything without adequate tested

If you know this simple reality, you didn't sent this false report, before searching the error in side of yourself.

In this sentence "real programmer" is Mr. Carmody, not you. I said earlier, I'm not sure that you are either really a programmer or a spectator. The single program you sent as an example, can't be written by you; because it is definitely a work of an older Clipper programmer.

In other hand teaching you isn't my interest. I want only you will be somewhat decent against respectable people like Mr. Carmody. Probably your father didn't not taught you about how you should act to elders.

Re: Enhanced Rich Edit Demo

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 9:25 pm
by srvet_claudio
Javier Tovar wrote:Hola Kevin,

Quise compilar tu demo y me sale el siguiente error:
Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1407111333)
Copyright (c) 1999-2014,
C:/Users/Maquina9/AppData/Local/Temp/hbmk_28a2lo.dir/demo.o:demo.c:(.data+0x778): undefined reference to `HB_FUN_HMG_ISNOTDEFPARAM'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
hbmk2[demo]: Error: Ejecutando enlazador. 1
gcc.exe C:/Users/Maquina9/AppData/Local/Temp/hbmk_28a2lo.dir/demo.o C:/Users/Maquina9/AppData/Local/Temp/hbmk_28a2lo.dir/hbmk_41jxts.o C:/hmg.3.3.1/Mios/DemoRichEditBox/_temp.o -Wl,--nxcompat -Wl,--dynamicbase -mwindows -Wl,--start-group -lhmg -lcrypt -ledit -leditex -lgraph -lini -lreport -lhfcl -lmsvfw32 -lvfw32 -lhbct -lhbwin -lhbmzip -lminizip -lhbmemio -lhbmisc -lhbmysql -lmysql -lhbtip -lhbsqlit3 -lsddodbc -lrddsql -lsddmy -lhbodbc -lodbc32 -lhbhpdf -lhbfimage -lhbpgsql -lhbnetio -lxhb -lpng -llibhpdf -lhbvpdf -lhbzebra -lhbextern -lhbdebug -lhbvmmt -lhbrtl -lhblang -lhbcpage -lgtcgi -lgtpca -lgtstd -lgtwin -lgtwvt -lgtgui -lhbrdd -lhbuddall -lhbusrrdd -lrddntx -lrddcdx -lrddnsx -lrddfpt -lhbrdd -lhbhsx -lhbsix -lhbmacro -lhbcplr -lhbpp -lhbcommon -lhbmainwin -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -ladvapi32 -lws2_32 -liphlpapi -lwinspool -lcomctl32 -lcomdlg32 -lshell32 -luuid -lole32 -loleaut32 -lmpr -lwinmm -lmapi32 -limm32 -lmsimg32 -lwininet -lhbpcre -lhbzlib -Wl,--end-group -odemo.exe -LC:/hmg.3.3.1/harbour/lib/win/mingw -LC:/hmg.3.3.1/lib

hbmk2: Error: Funci¢n(es) referenciada, no encontrada, pero desconocida:
Sabes a que se refiere ese error al compilar?

Ver este post: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=4021#p37702

Re: Enhanced Rich Edit Demo

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 9:49 pm
by Javier Tovar

En verdad creo que usted tiene problemas, y no me quiero enganchar en una discusión que no me lleva a nada.

Re: Enhanced Rich Edit Demo

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 9:51 pm
by Javier Tovar
Hola Dr. Claudio Soto

Yo creí haber hecho la actualización del Parche 3, pero no fue así, hasta ahorita me di cuenta que no lo hice adecuadamente.

Mil gracias y un fuerte abrazo! :)

Re: Enhanced Rich Edit Demo

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 10:42 pm
by kcarmody
esgici wrote:May (or may not) a bit think on About page :?

You need learn : real programmers never send anything without adequate tested ;)
Yes, that's right, I did not test the About box at all. I've fixed it and posted a new version at ... chEditBox/


Re: Enhanced Rich Edit Demo

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 10:49 pm
by quartz565
Thank you Kevin!

Re: Enhanced Rich Edit Demo

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 11:15 pm
by esgici
kcarmody wrote: I've fixed it and posted a new version at ... chEditBox/
Yes, this is better.

I'm not sure that second version is enhanced of first :?


Re: Enhanced Rich Edit Demo

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 11:19 pm
by esgici
Javier Tovar wrote: En verdad creo que usted tiene problemas, y no me quiero enganchar en una discusión que no me lleva a nada.
Goggle translate wrote:I really think you have problems, and I do not want to engage in a discussion that does not get me anything.
Everybody sees neatly who is that have problem.

Re: Enhanced Rich Edit Demo

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 1:51 am
by kcarmody
Hi Javier,
Javier Tovar wrote:Hola Kevin,

Quise compilar tu demo y me sale el siguiente error:
Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1407111333)
Copyright (c) 1999-2014,
C:/Users/Maquina9/AppData/Local/Temp/hbmk_28a2lo.dir/demo.o:demo.c:(.data+0x778): undefined reference to `HB_FUN_HMG_ISNOTDEFPARAM'
hbmk2: Error: Funci¢n(es) referenciada, no encontrada, pero desconocida:
Sabes a que se refiere ese error al compilar?

I'm mystified by this error. I don't get this error and several other people in this forum also say they do not get this error, or any error when they compile the demo. I don't find any function or pseudofunction named HMG_ISNOTDEFPARAM in my program or anywhere else in HMG, including SOURCE\h_init.prg. Are you still getting this error?


Re: Enhanced Rich Edit Demo

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 3:24 am
by Javier Tovar
Hola Kevin,

Realice el Parche 3 que sugirio el Dr. Claudio Soto y ya pude compilar bien!