Wish for IDE

Creative ideas/suggestions for HMG

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Re: Wish for IDE

Post by esgici »

Hola Mustafa

Please calm down :)

Nobody protest neither you nor your style. Contrarily, everyone express their own opinion about in order to respect to point of view of each other. We haven't any matter like "IDE yes, IDE no".

In other hand, adding an option to IDE will be only by decision of Roberto; we had expressed our opinions only.

Anyway, I apologize for any disturbing.

Saludos cordiales


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Re: Wish for IDE

Post by mustafa »

Hello friend and brother Esgici
Sorry for not being able to express in English, the translators we are playing
a trick, would never be my intention to criticize the IDE or not there exists
My humble suggestion was that it would be interesting that you could save
PRG projects as an option.
I apologize if you misunderstood my suggestion.
As Salamu Alaikum, brother
Hola amigo y hermano esgici
Perdon por no poderme expresar en Ingles ,los traductores nos están jugando
una mala pasada , mi intención jamás seria de criticar el que exista IDE o no exista
Mi humilde sugerencia fue que seria interesante que se pudiera salvar los
proyectos como opción en PRG.
Ruego me disculpen si se interpreto mal mi sugerencia.
As Salamu Alaikum , hermano
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Pablo César
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Wish for IDE

Post by Pablo César »

mustafa wrote: Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:55 pm En mi humilde opinión , yo no planteo "IDE si o IDE no ", como puse en mi
anterior Post , yo soy incapaz de programar con el IDE
Hola Mustafa, si te gusta programar en la linea de comando y quieres intentar acostumbrarte a usar la IDE o digamos conseguir prática de uso de forma más interactiva. Te sugiero que bajes el Call_IDE, lo instale en algun lugar de tu preferencia en tu disco y lo configures. Con el irá pode desde cualquier lugar de tu disco, abrir y crear nuevos proyectos facilmente le dará un punta pie inicial creando los archivos necesarios: hbp, prg y fmg caso elijas utilizar la modalidad de uso de FORMs.

Fijate, inclusive hay un explicatorio en Español.pdf en anexo


Espero que te ayude, por lo menos a como empezar. Porque la IDE sirve para compilar de forma más prática, interactiva y más rápida.
mustafa wrote: Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:55 pm In my humble opinion, I did not raise "IDE if or IDE not", as I put it in my
Previous Post, I am unable to program with the IDE
Hello Mustafa, if you like to program in the command line and you want to try to get used to using the IDE or say get practice of use in a more interactive way. I suggest you download the Call_IDE, install it somewhere in your preference on your disk and configure it. With the will you can from anywhere on your disk, opening and creating new projects will easily give you an initial starting point by creating the necessary files: hbp, prg and fmg if you choose to use FORM mode.

Note, there is even an explanatory in Spanish.pdf attached


I hope it helps, at least how to start. Because the IDE serves to compile more practical, interactive and faster.
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Re: Wish for IDE

Post by mustafa »

Hola Pablo César
Gracias por la sugerencia y aporte
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Wish for IDE

Post by Pablo César »

De nada amigo Mustafa.

Espero que te ayude, me gustaria saber cual son tus dificultades para el uso del IDE en HMG.

Porque lo único que cambiaria es montar tus forms/screens y cargarlos desde tu PRG ahhh y clicar en el boton de ejecutar para compilarlo.
A mi me parece tan facil, si bien que me gusta copiar/colar el código de los fmg y ponerlos en mis prgs. Pero siempre dejo los archivos fmg aunque no los use desde mi PRG pero garantirá que en el futuro precise alterar tanto los ordenes de los controles como tamaños, colores, etc.. y eso facilita para la manutencion.

Sé que como yo, somos de la vieja guardia... y pensamos de ser más eficiente desde la linea de comando. Pero yo actualmente me parece mucho más fácil y rápido trabajar con la IDE. Quiero entender más cuales son las dificultades que podrias encontrar. Talvez agregar algo asi como sugerió Serge.

Disculpame, mi intuito no es querer cambiarte nada, solo entender y talvez poder darte una manito colega. A mi me encanta hacer herramientas que auxilien, faciliten y sean practico en mi ambiente de trabajo. Talvez tu tengas algunos consejos de como trabajas.

Un abrazo,
You're welcome, Mustafa.

I hope it helps, I would like to know what your difficulties are to use the IDE in HMG.

Because the only thing that would change is to mount your forms / screens and load them from your PRG ahhh and click on the execute button to compile it.
To me it seems so easy, although I like to copy / paste the code of the fmg and put them in my prgs. But I always leave the files fmg even if I do not use them from my PRG but will guarantee that in the future you need to alter both the control commands such as sizes, colors, etc ... and that facilitates maintenance.

I know that like me, we're from the old guard ... and we think of being more efficient from the command line. But I currently find it much easier and faster to work with IDE. I want to understand more about the difficulties you could encounter. Maybe add something as suggested by Serge.

Excuse me, my intention is not to want to change anything, just understand and maybe be able to give you a handsome colleague. I love making tools that help, facilitate and be practical in my work environment. Maybe you have some tips on how you work.

A hug,
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Re: Wish for IDE

Post by mustafa »

Hola amigo Pablo
Totalmente de acuerdo contigo yo muchas veces creo con el IDE los FMG y copio - pego solo los controles a Prg el
DEFINE WINDOW TEMPLATE y los Load Window Main "No me gusta" , me lo monto a mi gusto y pongo el nombre del Window Main a mi

Pero no critico en nada ni al IDE ni a la forma alternativa que muchos trabajais, pero normalmente me lo trabajo todo con el Editor que es el Bloc de Notas je... je... :lol: y Compilo a puro BAT y esta es la "Historia" je... je... :lol:
*------------------------------------------------------------ Google --------------------------------------------------*
Hello friend Pablo
Totally agree with you I often create the FMG with the IDE and copied only the controls to Prg the
DEFINE WINDOW TEMPLATE and the Load Window Main "I do not like it", I put it to my liking and I put the name of the Window Main to my

But I do not criticize anything in the IDE or the alternative way that many work, but I usually work with the Editor that is the Notepad je ... je ... :lol: and I compile to pure BAT and this is the " History" je ... je ... :lol:
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Pablo César
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Wish for IDE

Post by Pablo César »

Gracias Mustafa por tu testimonio de experiencia.

Y me diste una idea amigo.
Con el FMG_View, talvez copiar para la área de transferencia su contenido y tambien pre-visualizar los archivos como lo hace las imagens (jpg,png, etc) a medida que navegas con el Windows Explorer. Eso auxilia los archivos que muchas veces pueden ser aprovechados.

En esta semana me pongo hacerlo.
Thank you Mustafa for your testimony of experience.

And you gave me an idea, my friend.
With FMG_View, you may want to copy your content to the transfer area and also preview the files as you do the images (jpg, png, etc) as you navigate with Windows Explorer. That helps the files that many times can be taken advantage of.

This week I get to do it.
HMGing a better world
"Matter tells space how to curve, space tells matter how to move."
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